These flavorful specialty onions mature early and hold well. These little scallions/onions are a glossy rich burgundy, transforming to a nice pastel pink when cooked or pickled. They take half as long as storage onions to reach eating size.
In England, they are called the Salad Onion ‘Apache’ and it is ideal for growing in a container.
You can eat them when they are at the scallion stage like to the right, or you can let them wait until they are at the bulblet stage. They are delicious at either stage. They hold their color no matter what you do with them.
Bunching Onions are also called Japanese Bunching Onions, Welsh Onions, or Scallions. Although growing Bunching Onions can be grown as annuals, you can leave a few plants in your organic garden to allow offshoots to develop for dividing the following year.
50 Seeds - $2.95