This may look like a radish, however, it is a small, mild, slightly sweet turnip with a slight taste reminiscent of an apple, and it is so very versatile and delicious. They are also a beautiful show white.
Don’t think of the turnip of old, these are heavenly and filled with vitamins and nutrients, including high levels of iron, calcium and thiamine. In Japan, where they are an heirloom, they are prepared in a variety of ways. In the US they are considered a salad turnip but are also now being enjoyed cooked as well. Besides being grown in your gardens they are also perfect for growing in pots on a patio. Turnips are tolerant of light frost as seedlings in spring, and as mature plants in fall. Turnips prefer a fertile, well-drained soil. Sow in the early spring through the late summer in a 2–4” wide band, seeds 1” apart (35 seeds/ft.) or adjusted to a pot. They are ready to eat in 30 to 50 days, depending upon the size you wish.