Eupatorium Perfoliatum - Boneset

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Boneset, is a remarkable flower that is a native to the Southern and Eastern United States. Boneset is large and showy plant, bearing masses of long-lived, brilliant white flowers which are truly unique. This is a wonderful plant to use as a temporary summer hedge, and the butterflies and bees love it. They make a lovely addition to the wild flower garden, grassy unused property area or fence row, or to the back of the perennial garden as they can reach 48 inches in height. The brilliant white flowers are brilliant against the edge of a woods area.

The caterpillars of various moth species are known to feed on various parts, and they also attract bees and butterflies. It is deer resistant due to the fact that the foliage is bitter to the taste, and is of a yellowish green color and are very wrinkled. The flowers are fragrant.
. . . . . 200 Seeds

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Eupatorium Perfoliatum - Boneset
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