Cherokee 'Trail of Tears' Pole Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)

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The great thing about this black bean is that it is delicious as a snap bean as well or you can leave it on the stem to dry for fabulous black beans. Oh, and they produce all summer long, never stopping. It is a wonderful bean 85 days until the beginning of maturity. Pick when they are about six (6) inches long and green, and then start getting a purple overlay and can still be eaten as a string bean. Then let the pods dry (it will not stop the bean production) and take the beautiful black beans from the pods to dry. Train the Moonlight Nasturtium up the same trellis with it for health (prevent pests).

Quantity: 30 seeds

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Cherokee 'Trail of Tears' Pole Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
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