Candyland - Excellent Tiny Tomato

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This is a high-yielding indeterminate tomato which are the smallest edible tomatoes, at 1/2” and will give you months of delicious and unique tomatoes. They are famous for their strong, sweet-tart flavor and are quite juicy. I freeze them whole, without peeling them and they cook wonderfully and even do pretty well thawed and used in salads or to make salsa with. They are amazing. Of course, they are a pain in the neck if you are trying to slice them and use them in a BLT. (Hehehe). In the photos these tomatoes are the smallest and are picked with the regular cherry tomatoes, so you can see just how tiny they are. In the basket to the you can see that there are regular cherry tomatoes and they are only a quarter of their size.The flavor for this little tomato is also about 100x their size. They are little but mighty.

___ 25 SEEDS

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Candyland - Excellent Tiny Tomato
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