Cabbage - TIARA - Brassica oleracea capitata - SEEDS

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This wonderful little mini cabbage has a very short core which gives you more leaves than you would imagine. The leaves are thin, crisp, and very tender and suitable for cooking and for raw salads - it is also argued that this is the very best cabbage to use for sauerkraut.

Tiara is a small cabbage that does not take up much room at all. If you have a tiny garden space this is the cabbage for you - or - for even larger spaces so you can plant even more for a larger crop. These are excellent for Farmer’s Market and Farm Stand sales.
This is a very high-quality cabbage with a very tight and dense head on a very compact plant that do well in dense plantings as well. They also have a very long shelf life.
Floating row covers will help prevent insect damage also Diatomaceous Earth (DE) will help somewhat.
This is an excellent cabbage to grow as a 1st crop in the spring and then replant and grow as a 2nd crop in early to mid-summer, and then a possible 3rd crop for the fall. This is another way to bring more food into your household and enjoy every minute of doing so. The goal is to be able to produce crops that will serve you year-round.
______ 60 seeds
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Cabbage - TIARA - Brassica oleracea capitata - SEEDS
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