This one is also known as Creek Milkweed, and Greek Milkweed. It was at one time wild in all sorts of fields, but due to the use of pesticides, and the drift of them on the wind, when they were being sprayed, it is very hard to find in the wild any longer. Once yours have produced the seed pods and they are starting to just open in the fall or last summer - take the pods, and open them up and either let the fluff take them on the wind or plant the seeds yourself just by scratching the dirt and covering them and tamping down for a winters nap.
This Showy variety blooms from the summer to fall, and will possibly reach 6’ tall, When you plant them thin to about 2’ apart. The leaves on this one are quite large and think and will sustain more caterpillars. It is loved by more than just butterflies, and will also attract other pollinators including hummingbirds. The flowers have a nice fragrance to them. and will bloom from two to three months.