50 Day Gardens in a Pot or a Plot #1 - 10% discount

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Gold Rush French Filet Bush Bean

This is a gourmet delight at only 4 - 5 inches in length and very slim. This variety is packed with flavor. If you are diligent at keeping them picked when they reach their length, they will continue to produce. They are tender and delicate with a nutty flavor, and the Bush-habit only grows to a height of 24 inches. For a smaller garden and/or greater production, this is ideal. This bean is excellent for cooking, canning, and freezing. They have a buttery flavor. 55 days to maturity. Plant with Nasturtiums to keep the bitty bugs away. __________ 70 Seeds

Chinese Cutting Celery
This is a wonderful culinary herb and a wonderful addition to any garden or large pot. They taste like your bunched celery but are more intense, which I like even better. It is also a little peppery as well. Used in soups salads and all manner of dishes. Many use it for mainly its leaves. It is a member of the carrot family actually. It does need a goodly supply of moisture so plant them in the wettest part of your garden or dig a small trench on one side that will collect more rainwater to its roots and hold more rainwater for its use. _________ 100 Seeds

Raven Zucchini
This zucchini has been bred for the express purpose of being grown in a pot, small garden spaces, or to be able to pack more plants into normal space. This variety is only about 3’ across. The production rate of this zucchini is astoundingly heavy. These zucchinis are quite small, as is the plant itself, which fits nicely into larger pots for container growing. It has a wonderfully rich and nutty flavor and they hold their shape during the cooking process. They do well when breaded and fried as well. Pick when about 6” to 8” long. ________ 10 Seeds
Minuet Napa Cabbage
Excellent vigor and disease resistance. This is a sweet and tangy Mini-Cabbage with crisp leaves and is generally considered to be the best of this variety of mini-Chinese cabbages. It is a dark green leaf on the outer layer changing into the beautiful buttery yellow on the interior. It is very slow to bolt which is another plus for this variety. They will keep very well for up to 1-2 months at 32°F/0°C and 95-98% humidity. Always remember to practice sanitation in your gardens by rotating your crops each season. By using floating row covers it will help to prevent flea beetles, and maggots and interplanting with Nasturtiums will also help somewhat. _____ 60 Seeds
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50 Day Gardens in a Pot or a Plot #1 - 10% discount
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